

MadridNeighbourhoodLas Letras

Las Letras

During the day: Barrio de Las Letras known as the literary quarter is where many writers lived in the 16th and 17th century - the Golden Age of Spanish Literature. Cervantes, the author of Don Quijote is one of many authors that had their homes here. A commemorative Mass is held for him here every year on the anniversary of his death, 23 April. This neighborhood is also called Huertas and welcomes writers and literature lovers, who came to the corrales de comedias (open-air theatres) Del Príncipe, De la Pacheca and De la Cruz to watch theatrical performances. Some of the streets in this neighbourhood pay tribute to this and other brilliant chapters of Spanish history, culture and art. There are many arts and crafts fairs and cultural sites hidden away here. At night: Las Letras is one of the capital’s most famous nightspots, marked by the heterogeneity of styles, ages and leisure habits. Extremely popular with the foreign student community, the right angle formed by Calle Príncipe and Calle Huertas is where most of this offer is concentrated: Beer gardens and restaurants, live music performance - from jazz to flamenco - and night clubs.

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